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198099, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Калинина, дом 2, корпус 4, литера А
с 9:00 до 18:00 (пн-пт)
8 (812) 309-75-97
О компании
Модульная продукция
Интегральные схемы ВЧ/СВЧ
Каталог компонентов
Каталог производителей
Каталог приборов инструментов
О компании
Модульная продукция
Интегральные схемы ВЧ/СВЧ
Каталог компонентов
Каталог производителей
Каталог приборов инструментов
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов
3M Electronic Solutions Division
3M Electronic Specialty
Alpha Wire
Amphenol Anytek
Amphenol SINE Systems
Avery Dennison
Belden Wire & Cable
Eagle Plastic Devices
Hammond Manufacturing
Phoenix Contact
Schneider Electric
TE Connectivity
TE Connectivity / AMP
TE Connectivity / Buchanan
TE Connectivity / CII
TE Connectivity / DEUTSCH
TE Connectivity / P&B
TE Connectivity / Q-Cees
TE Connectivity / Raychem
Cable Markers
Cable Tie Mounts
Cable Ties
Labels and Signs
Labels, Heat Shrinkable
Labels, Self Adhesive
Labels, Thermal Transfer
Labels, Write On
Marker Books
Marker Cards
Marker Carriers
Marker Dispensers
Marker ID Beaded Ties
Marker ID Cable Ties
Marker ID Plates
Marker Plates
Markers, Adhesive Backed
Markers, Clip On
Markers, Push On
Markers, Self Laminating
Markers, Snap On
Markers, Tie On
Markers, Vinyl Cloth
Pull Tabs
Tape Refills
Tools & Accessories
110 Punchdown Systems Labeling
Barricade Tapes
Cable Identification Sleeve
Cable Identification Sleeve for 2 mm Simplex Wire
Cable Label Tape
Cable Marker
Cable Marker Carrier
Cable Marker Label
Cable Marker Label Sheet for Laser Printers
Cable Marker Military Grade
Cable Marker, Self Laminating
Cable Marker, Tie-On
Cable Markers, Self-Laminating
Cable Markers, Unlabeled Roll
Capital I
Capital M
Capital S
Capital U
Cassettes, Self Laminating
Circuit breaker
Clip-On Markers
Clips, ID
Colored Cable Marker Ring
Colored Refill Tape for Wire Marking
Colored Wire Marker Dispenser
Component Thermal Transfer Labels
Conductor ID Label
Conductor Marker for mounting cable binders
Conductor Marking Collar
Continuous, Thermal Transfer
Device Marker
Die Cut, Non Printable, Semi-Gloss Polyester Over Laminate
Die-Cut Label
Die-Cut, Inkjet
Die-Cut, Laser
Die-Cut, Thermal Transfer
Dot matrix printable
Dot-Matrix Label
Dot-Matrix Self-Laminating Labe
Double Headed
Equipment Markers
FC to FC Single Mode duplex Patch Cords
Glossy, Polyester Overlaminate
Hardware for Hand-Held Thermal Transfer Labels
Harness Identification Marker Plate
Hazard Tape and Floor Dots
Heat Shrink Label
Heat Shrink Marker
Heat Shrink Sleeve
Heat Shrink Wire and Cable Labels
Heat Shrinkable
Heat Shrinkable Wire Identification Sleeves, Military Grade
Heat-Shrinkable Wire Identification Labels
Heat-Shrinkable Wire Identification Sleeves
Industrial and Military Grade Cable Marker
Label - Laser and Ink Jet
Labels - Hand Held Printers
Labels, Cable
Laser / Inkjet
Laser Label
Laser or Hand Writable Cable Clips
Laser/Ink Jet Self-Laminating Label
Locks, Label Twist
Marker Books and Pens
Marker Cards
Marker Plates
Marker Plates, Marker Pens
Marker Sleeves
Marker Tags
Marker Tapes
Marker and Tag Software
Marker for 1 mm to 12 mm Diameter Conductors
Marker for 1.3 mm to 1.6 mm Diameter Conductors
Marker for 1.6 mm to 2.1 mm Diameter Conductors
Marker for 2.1 mm to 2.9 mm Diameter Conductors
Marker for 2.9 mm to 3.6 mm Diameter Conductors
Marker for 3.6 mm to 4.9 mm Diameter Conductors
Marker for Heat Shrink
Markers, Patch Cable
Marking Carrier for 2 mm to 3.5 mm Diameter Conductor
Marking Collar
Marking Tags
Metal Barb Lock
Metal Tie
Military Grade Label
Mounting Tool for Easy Push On of Conductor Marker
Network Identification Labels
Non-Laminated Laser/Ink Jet Labels
Non-Laminated Thermal Transfer Labels
Numbered Refill
Numbered Wire Marker Card
Numbered Wire Marker Dispenser
P1 Label Cassette
PVC Cable Markers
Pan-Quik LS3E Label Parts and Accessories
PanTher LS8E Hand-Held Printer, Label Parts and Accessories
Patch Cord
Patch Panels
Pens, Marking
Permanent Identification Marker Plate
Phoenix Type UCT-TM 10
Phoenix Type US-EMLP (11x9)
Phoenix Type US-EMLP (15x5)
Phoenix Type US-EMLP (17x9)
Phoenix Type US-EMP (27 x 18)
Phoenix Type US-EMP (40x17)
Phoenix Type US-EMSP (90 x 60)
Phoenix Type WML 14 (25X19)R
Phoenix Type WML 14 (25X19)R YE
Phoenix Type WML 14 (38X19)R
Phoenix Type WML 18 (12X12)R
Phoenix Type WML 22 (25X25)R
Phoenix Type WML 3 (13X10)R
Phoenix Type WML 5 (25X10)R
Phoenix Type WML 6 (13X13)R
Phoenix Type WMT 2.4 (15X4)R
Pipe Marker Carriers
Pipeline Marker
Plastic Cable Markers
Plates, Marker
Polyester Film Tape
Polyester Label
Pre-Printed Cable Markers
Pre-Printed Wire Marker Books
Print-On Wire Marker Label, Self Laminating
Printable Labels
Printing Label from Laptop or Computer
Pull Tab Roll
Punchdown Labels
Push-On Lettered Wire Marker
RPS Heat Shrinkable Sleeves
Refill Roll
Reflective Letters and Numbers
SC to SC singlemode simplex patch cord, 3mm jacketed cable
Safety Signs
Self Laminating
Self Laminating Laser/Ink Jet Labels
Self-Laminating Laser/Ink Jet Labels
Self-Laminating Thermal Transfer Labels
Shrink Sleeve Roll
Slip-On, Cable Tie
Snap On
Snap-On Marker With Applicator
Stainless Steel Marker Plates
Standard Pull Tab
Tamper Evident Labels
Tape Dispensers
Thermal Transfer Continuous Tapes
Thermal Transfer Marker Plates
Thermal Transfer Printable
Thermal Transfer Ribbon
ThermalTransfer Ribbons
Tie-On Cable Marker Tag, Military Grade
Tie-On Cable Marker Tags
Tie-On Cable Marker, Light-Weight Military Grade
Voltage Markers
Wire Marker
Wire Marker Card
Wire Marker Tape Dispenser,
Wire Marker, Self-Laminating
Wire Markers
Wire and cable harnessing and bundling
Write-On Label
Write-On Tape Dispenser with pen
Write-On Wire Marker Books
Write-On Wire Marker Dispenser Refill
Write-On Wire Marker Dispenser, Self Laminating
10 wands with 30 Identical Markers with Blue Colour Applicator W
10 wands with 30 Identical Markers with Brown Colour Applicator
10 wands with 30 Identical Markers with Green Colour Applicator
10 wands with 30 Identical Markers with Grey Colour Applicator W
10 wands with 30 Identical Markers with Natural Colour Applicato
10 wands with 30 Identical Markers with Red Colour Applicator Wa
10 wands with 30 Identical Markers with Yellow Colour Applicator
1000 pull tab roll for positions 10-20
1000 pull tab roll for positions 24-36
1000 pull tab roll for positions 40-60
12 AWG to 10 AWG wrap around wire or cable labeling
12 labels to a sheet, self-adhesive
12 mm x 12 mm marking area with longer tails
13 mm x 13 mm marking area
15 mm X 4 mm marking area
15 mm x 19 mm marking area with longer tails
169 labels per sheet, can be printed on both laser/ink jet print
18 AWG to 14 AWG wrap around wire or cable labeling
2 AWG to 250 MCM wrap around wire or cable labeling
25 mm x 10 mm marking area
2:1 Shrink Ratio
30 markers per wand - 10 wands per pack, brown wand
30 markers per wand, 10 wands per pack
38 mm x 19 mm marking area with longer tails
3:1 Shrink Ratio
4 tie wrap holes
50 Identical Markers
6 tie wrap holes
60 mm x 4 mm lettering field
8 AWG to 4 AWG wrap around wire or cable labeling
80 color ring coding set, 10 rings each white, blue, red, green,
Adhesive helps to prevent lift off in the most demanding applica
Adhesive marker cards are made of durable indoor vinyl material
Adhesive mount, Aluminum, Can be labeled with BLEMARK CLED
Adhesive paper sign designed to provide clear identification of
Allows marker tape to be cut to the exact length and can be atta
Arrows are re-positionable
Assembly with cable binders, Aluminum, Can be labeled with BLEMA
Attached with cable ties
Available in several industrial materials
Available in white, yellow, orange, gray and brown
Barricade Tape, 3"x1000'
Blank - Write-on area
Blank self-laminating write-on cable marker books
Bound in a bifold book
Bound in trifold book; provides a selflaminating protective shie
Buried Utility Line Warning
Cable Marker Label
Can be labeled with: Thermomark C+, Thermomark C
Can be printed on both laser/ink jet printers
Can be used for wide variety of Cable Diameters
Can be used with write-on labels and tags
Cat 5/5e/6 cable wrap around wire or cable labeling
Clear overlaminate protects legend
Clear section of marker overlaminates and protects write-on lege
Clear vinyl with a thermal transfer printable white area for pri
Clip on mounting type, cable diameter: 2 - 3.5 mm, lettering fie
Commercial grade
Consecutive numbers and letters repeating Wire marker cards
Contains integrated memory device for automatic formatting, reca
Continuous tubing, low fire hazard, flattened, heat shrinkable
Continuous,Thermal Transfer Printable
Convenient length accommodating most commonly identified wire si
Creates rigid indoor tags with protected legends in minutes usin
Crisp, clear legends with superior legibility
D-SCE Fluid Resistant Heat Shrink Sleeve
Designed for indoor and outdoor applications
Designed to identify all sizes of wires and cables quickly and e
Designs for single gang, double gang and modular furniture facep
Device marker, Card, White, Unlabeled, Can be labeled with Therm
Dispenser is used with SDR Wire Marking Tape
Dispenser wand purchased separately
Dot matrix printable, military grade
Durable adhesive backed, vinyl cloth markers for indoor use
Durable tag for marking fiber optic cable in manhole and indoor/
Durable tag to mark a wide range of cables and cable bundles
Durable vinyl material for indoor use
Each marker on card has same color background with no legend
Easy to alter identification on cables, secure grip for positive
Economical general purpose signs for use in most environments
Electrical Voltage Warning
Eliminate the need for standard paper designation strips
Fast drying, permanent ink with legible identification on nylon
Flame Sealed
Flame retardant
Flexible, lightweight material
For PSL-6 Pad Lock
For indoor use
For quality control OEM maintenance and field service applicatio
For tamper evident applications
For use in automatic marking equipment
Free from Silicone and Halogen
Generic Wire Marker Card
HX-SCE Heat Shrink Sleeve
Hand-Held Thermal Transfer Printer, include S100X150VAC self lam
Heat shrink wire markers
Heat-Shrinkable UV Protection Sleeves
Heavy Duty
High print quality wax based black thermal transfer ribbon
High-quality labeling image, resistant to solvents
Highest quality flame retardant fiber optic cable with tight-buf
Highly Flame Retardant
Highly reflective for visibility at night or in dark places
Holder and carrying case included
Horizontal numblers, cable diameter 2.5 mm to 5 mm, supplied loo
Horizontal symbols, cable diameter 2.5 mm to 5 mm, supplied loos
Horizontal symbols, cable diameter 4 mm to 10 mm, supplied loose
Horizontal upper case letters, cable diameter 4 mm to 10 mm, sup
Identification products
Identifies wires, cables and outlets for telephone, computer or
Identify large cables and wire bundles, highly flame-retardant
Identify shelving, cable tray, racks, etc.
Indoor/outdoor rated, high temperature resistance, reuseable
Ink Jet printer use only.
Integral label area for writing
K-Type Cable Marker
Keep kits up to full capacity by re-ordering just the parts you
Label ID
Labeled with symbol: /
Labels can be printed in both laser and ink jet printers
Labels offer crisp, clear legends with superior legibility
Laser Printable Self -Laminating Labels
Laser printable self-laminating labels
Lightweight for aerospace applications
Low smoke, low toxicity, low flammability
Made of polyethylene film or detectable laminated aluminum desig
Marker Size 11
Marker Size 12
Marker Size 15
Marker Size 18
Marker Size 20
Marker Size 23
Marker Size 35
Marker Size 5
Marker Size 65
Marker Size 7
Marker Size 9
Marker Size G4/10
Marker Size G6/10
Marker cards printed in a variety of legends allows 'kitting
Marker for terminal blocks, Sheet, White, Unlabeled, Can be labe
Marker is made of vinyl impregnated cloth with a top coat and ru
Markers are perforated and can be torn in half to mark both ends
Military Grade Heat Shrinkable Wire Identification Sleeves
Military grade
Military grade, shrink ratio 2:1
Military grade, shrink ratio 3:1
Mount directly onto wall
Non-adhesive markers grip tightly to wire/cable
Non-adhesive tags used to mark wires, cables, equipment, invento
Offers crisp, clear legends with superior legibility
One (1) card each number
Packaged in a dispenser for label protection and your convenienc
Pen is supplied with each dispenser
Permanent Acrylat Adhesive
Permanent acrylic adhesive, energy product, thermal transfer pri
Permanent acrylic adhesive, inkjet printable
Permanent acrylic adhesive, pressure sensitive, energy product,
Permanent acrylic adhesive, pressure sensitive, thermal transfer
Permanent acrylic adhesive, thermal transfer printable
Permanent identification sleeves
Permanent rubber based adhesive, thermal transfer printable
Pipeline Marker
Plastic cable marker for cables from 10 to 25 mm diameter, label
Plastic cable marker for cables from 16 to 31 mm diameter, label
Plastic liner provides easy removal of markers while protecting
Pre-Marked Wire and Cable Markers
Pre-Printed Marker Tape refills
Pre-assembled books
Pre-cut flattened polyolefin is both thermal transfer and dot ma
Pre-filled tape dispenser that can be attached to a tool belt fo
Pressure sensitive adhesive for easy application
Printed wire marker rolls. Printer with letter "M"
Printed wire marker rolls. Printer with letter "T1"
Printed wire marker rolls. Printer with letter "T2"
Printed wire marker rolls. Printer with letter "T3"
Produces durable, high quality permanent heat shrink markers
Provide easy, professional labeling of faceplates and surface mo
Provided in book format which protects markers when not in use
Provided in handy dispenser protecting markers when not in use
Provides a larger labeling surface on small cables allowing lege
Provides larger labeling surface on small cables allowing legend
Resistant to key fluids
Resistant to sea water, fuels and oils
Resistant to temperatures up to 275 degrees F (135 degrees C)
Resistant to temperatures up to 275F
Roll, White, Can be labeled with Thermomark R, Thermomark X, The
Scotch Barricade Tapes 300 series
Screw Mount, Aluminum, Unlabeled, Can be labeled with BLUEMARK C
Self laminate, dot matrix printable
Self laminated
Self-laminated Polyolefin, Clear/White
Self-laminating adhesive label
Self-laminating adhesive labels supplied on rolls, include a col
Self-laminating, energy product, laser printable
Self-laminating, laser printable
Selflaminating protective shield over the legend
Silicone free
Six characters per inch of tape, acrylic pressure sensitive adhe
Six charaters per inch
Sizes for electrical and electronic applications
Slide on mounting style, cable diameter: 1.5 - 2.5 mm, lettering
Slide on mounting style, cable diameter: 2 - 4 mm, lettering fie
Slide on mounting style, cable diameter: 4 - 7 mm, lettering fie
Slide on mounting type, cable diameter: 0.6 - 1.2 mm, lettering
Snap-On Wire Marker
Snap-in markers, Card, White, Unlabeled, Can be labeled with The
Snapped into marker, Aluminum, Unlabeled, Can be labeled with BL
Software and Cable Used For LS8EQ-Kit, Kit include S100X150VAC
TTMS tubing is designed for computer-based printing using Rayche
Tedlar Color Coding Label
Terminal block markers are included to properly identify connect
Thermal transfer printable
Thermal transfer printable, military grade
Tidy Pen - Adhesive Solvent
U.V. resistant legend is printed on both sides
Unique adhesive allows label to br removed, repositioned and reu
Unlabeled, Can be labeled with BLUEMARK CLED, Bluemark, Plotter,
Use range 1.7 mm to 4.06 mm, 4.8 mm inside diameter
Use with nylon marking pens for an easy
Used for Printing only on Polyester or Metallized Polyester
Used to extend numbers or to create alpha-numeric cods
Used with adhesive or non-adhesive designation labels
User can pull out and tear off the amount of tape needed for the
Weather Resistant
White print-on area
Wire and Harness ID Products
Write-On Wire Marker Dispenser and Marking Pens
Zero Halogen
304 Stainless Steel
316 Stainless Steel
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene-Polycarbonate
Detectable Laminated Aluminium
Ethylene Tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE)
Ethylene Vinyl Acetate
Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA)
Flexible Polyvinyl Chloride
Fluoropolymer (FP)
Fluoropolymer, Radiation Cross Linked
GMACT Non-Adhesive Acetal
GMC Vinyl Cloth
GMC1 Vinyl Cloth
GMH1 Polyester/Polycarbonate
GMPE3 Semi-Rigid Polythylene
GMPET Polyester
GMT1 Self-Laminating Tedlar
GMV1 Vinyl
GMV4 Self-Laminating Rigid Vinyl
GMV7 Reflective Vinyl
GMV8 Reflective Vinyl
GMY Polyester
GMY1 Polyester
GMY6 Self-Laminating Polyester
GMYOL Polyester
High Grade Steel
Meta-Aramid, Flame Resistant
Non-Adhesive Acetal
Non-Adhesive Polyester
Nylon 6.6
Nylon Cloth
Nylon, Weather Resistant
Plasticized PVC
Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (PPVC)
Polyamide (PA)
Polycarbonate (PC)
Polyester Film
Polyester and Polyolefin
Polyethylene (PE)
Polyolefin (PO)
Polyoxymethylene (POM)
Polyoxymethylene, Zero-halogen
Polypropylene (PP)
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Polyvinyl Flouride (PVF)
Polyvinyl Fluoride (PVF)
Radiation Cross-Linked Polyolefin
Radiation Cross-Linked UV Stabilised Polyolefin
Stainless Steel
Stainless Steel (AISI 304)
Stainless Steel (AISI 316)
Super-Tack Polyester
Tamper Evident Polyester
Transparent Vinyl
Vinyl Cloth
Vinyl Film
Blue (Dark Blue)
0.25 in
0.34 in
0.39 in
0.44 in
0.5 in
0.59 in
0.64 in
0.75 in
0.84 in
0.9 in
1 in
1.25 in
1.38 in
1.417 ft
1.5 in
1.6 in
1.65 in
1.72 in
1.75 in
10 mm
10.4 mm
10.5 mm
100 ft
100 mm
1000 ft
101.6 mm
11 mm
12 in
12 mm
12.7 mm
144 mm
144.7 mm
147 mm
15 mm
151 mm
16 mm
17 mm
17.5 mm
188 mm
188.9 mm
19 mm
19.1 mm
2 in
2 mm
2.06 in
2.125 in
2.2 in
2.25 in
2.4 m
2.43 m
2.5 in
20 mm
200 mm
21.3 mm
211 mm
23 mm
24 mm
25 ft
25.4 mm
26 mm
27 mm
29 mm
29.3 mm
3 in
3 mm
3.094 in
3.38 in
3.5 in
30 mm
30.48 m
30.5 m
300 ft
300 m
31.75 mm
31.8 mm
32 mm
34 mm
34.8 mm
35 mm
36.5 mm
371 mm
38.1 mm
39 mm
4 in
4 mm
4.2 mm
4.5 in
4.5 mm
4.75 mm
40 mm
44.4 mm
44.5 mm
48.26 mm
48.7 mm
49 mm
5 in
5.5 in
5.5 m
5.75 in
50 mm
50.8 mm
52 mm
57.15 mm
57.2 mm
6 in
6 mm
6.4 mm
6.5 in
6.5 mm
6.6 mm
60 mm
63.5 mm
65 mm
69.9 mm
7.6 m
7.67 in
7.87 in
76.2 mm
8 ft
8 in
8.6 mm
8.64 mm
80 mm
85.6 mm
88.9 mm
89 mm
9 in
9.5 mm
95.25 mm
95.3 mm
0.13 in
0.18 in
0.215 in
0.22 in
0.25 in
0.28 in
0.3 in
0.3 mm
0.34 in
0.36 in
0.38 in
0.39 in
0.44 in
0.5 in
0.51 in
0.56 in
0.59 in
0.6 in
0.61 in
0.625 in
0.65 in
0.68 in
0.7 in
0.74 in
0.75 in
0.766 in
0.78 in
0.79 in
0.8 in
0.84 in
0.86 in
0.88 in
0.9 in
0.91 in
1 in
1 mm
1.06 in
1.083 ft
1.1 in
1.13 in
1.17 in
1.19 in
1.2 in
1.25 in
1.38 in
1.5 in
1.73 in
1.75 in
1.88 in
1.9 mm to 2.65 mm
1.95 in
10 mm
10.2 mm
10.4 mm
10.5 mm
101.6 mm
11.1 mm
110 mm
12 mm
12.5 mm
12.7 mm
14.9 mm
15 mm
16 mm
16.5 mm
16.667 ft
17 mm
17.6 mm
18 mm
19 mm
19.05 mm
19.1 mm
2 in
2 mm
2.04 in
2.13 in
2.24 in
2.25 in
2.36 in
2.4 mm
2.5 in
2.52 in
2.61 in
2.7 mm
2.75 in
2.82 in
2.83 in
2.875 in
2.88 in
2.9 in
20 mm
20.3 mm
22.5 mm
22.9 mm
23 mm
24 mm
25 mm
25.4 mm
280 mm
29 mm
3 in
3.15 in
3.2 mm
3.5 in
3.79 in
3.85 in
3.9 in
3.93 in
3.94 in
30 mm
31.8 mm
38.1 mm
4 in
4 mm
4.2 mm
4.3 mm
4.5 in
4.5 mm
4.7 mm
4.8 mm
4.84 in
40 mm
44.5 mm
47.8 mm
48.3 mm
5 in
5 mm
5.46 mm
5.6 mm
50 mm
50.8 mm
52 mm
54 mm
560 mm
6 in
6 mm
6.2 mm
6.35 mm
6.4 mm
60 mm
63.5 mm
69.9 mm
7 mm
7.5 in
7.6 mm
7.88 in
7.9 mm
73 mm
76.2 mm
78.7 mm
8 in
8 mm
8.26 in
8.5 in
8.6 mm
82.6 mm
9 mm
9.5 mm
9.53 mm
9.6 mm
9.652 mm
9.7 mm
9.9 mm
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TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов RMK6-8.5
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов RMK-75X150-A4
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов RMK-UNCUT-A4
TE Connectivity / Raychem
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов 5801000 DK-621-0437-3P
TE Connectivity / Raychem
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов 5801101 DK-621-1634-1P
TE Connectivity / Raychem
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов 5801202 DK-621-1636-2P
TE Connectivity / Raychem
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов 5801303 DK-621-1636-2S
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black 0
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black 1
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black 2
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black 3
TE Connectivity / Raychem
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black 4
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black 5
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black 6
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black 7
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black 8
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black 9
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black A
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black C
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black E
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black G
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black H
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black I
TE Connectivity
Маркировочные наклейки и втулки для проводов Pre-Print Wire Mrkrs 0508 Yellow/Black J